Sunday, August 06, 2006

Last days in the Bay Area

Going down the Paintbrush Divide on the Teton Crest trail

I'm back from the Teton Crest trail (with Cliff, Audrey, Gidion, and Julia) and a week with Ashea in Yellowstone (+ many elk, countless bison, five moose, two great gray owls, a howling wolf in the forest, a screeching golden eagle, and three grizzly bears - oh my!). See more photos from the Teton Crest trip at:

Now I just need to gather my last few belongings and get the final round of shots before heading home to AZ. Then I'm headed to Nairobi on August 21st!

I'll use this site to keep you posted on the news (hence the title: Habari gani? = "What's the news" in Swahili) and to keep a journal of the adventure!


  1. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Very cool! This will sure help me to vicariously share your adventures. Might even figure out what all the hubbub about blog spots is about!

  2. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Yeah, it looks like I've figured out how to get this part to work at least! Hey, did I just dream it or were you luring Mana off the roof this morning about 1:30? Crazy cats! Sure make it a challenge to get a good nights sleep! Hope your day is lots of fun!!!
